
Regions EM Residency Strategic Planning

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Saved by Felix Ankel
on March 31, 2010 at 4:06:12 pm

The Emergency Medicine Residency Strategic Planning meeting

Wednesday, April 21 – 8:00am – 2:00 pm


St. Croix Conference Room

HealthPartners Corporate Office Conferenc Center

8170 – 33rd Ave S

Bloomington, MN.


Minutes and SWOT analysis from Strategic Planning 2005-2010


Message from Felix Ankel


Welcome to the EM Residency 2010-2015 Strategic Planning wiki. We have over 20 confirmed participants that include stakeholders within the residency, department, hospital, IME, and community. The intent of the strategic plan is to develop a road map to guide the Regions EM Residency for the next five years. The intent of the wiki is to provide historical context, a repository of information and a venue for asynchronous pre and post planning meeting discussion. We have placed residency files on the wiki that you can access using the navigator to the right. Additionally, the following links provide more materials that may be of interest.


http://www.regionsem.org/residency-archives  - contains a lot of our residency outcomes data

http://regionsemquality.pbworks.com/  - discusses some of our quality initiatives within the residency

http://aiamcquality.pbworks.com/  - describes some of the work our residency is doing with the department of psychiatry

http://emdashboards.pbworks.com/  - discusses some work on EM residency benchmarks and dashboards

http://regionsemchiefresidents.pbworks.com/  - describes the role of chief residents in our residency

http://regionseminternorientation.pbworks.com/ - last year's intern orientation information

http://regionseminterns.pbworks.com/ - intern survival guide


A schedule of the day will be posted soon. Questions to consider:

1. What are the characteristics of the ideal graduate in 2015?

2. What outcomes should we measure for our residency?

3. How do we benchmark these outcomes?

4. How do we build a dashboard for these outcomes?

5. How do we recruit the most competitive candidates?

6. How do we transfer knowledge in the most effective manner?

7. How do we ensure procedural competency?

8. How do we train residents in the leadership, management & communication skills to thrive in a complex environment?

9. How do we integrate the strategic priorities of the residency into those of the department, the hospital, the IME and the community?

10. How do we balance the push for performance with stewardship, balance and wellness?


I look forward to ideas and comments fom others.



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