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Regions EM Residency Strategic Planning

Page history last edited by Felix Ankel 6 years, 9 months ago


Strategic Planning 2005-2010


Strategic Planning 2010-2015


Message from Felix Ankel


Welcome to the EM Residency 2010-2015 Strategic Planning wiki. We have over 20 confirmed participants that include stakeholders within the residency, department, hospital, IME, and community. The intent of the strategic plan is to develop a road map to guide the Regions EM Residency for the next five years. The intent of the wiki is to provide historical context, a repository of information and a venue for asynchronous pre and post planning meeting discussion. We have placed residency files on the wiki that you can access using the navigator to the right. Additionally, the following links provide more materials that may be of interest.


http://regionsemquality.pbworks.com/  - discusses some of our quality initiatives within the residency

http://regionsemchiefresidents.pbworks.com/  - describes the role of chief residents in our residency

http://regionseminternorientation.pbworks.com/ - last year's intern orientation information

http://regionseminterns.pbworks.com/ - intern survival guide

http://regionsemstudentworkshops.pbworks.com/ - instructor guides for student workshops

GME as a strategic asset.pdf integration of QI and GME


Questions to consider:

1. What are the characteristics of the ideal graduate in 2015?

2. What outcomes should we measure for our residency?

3. How do we benchmark these outcomes?

4. How do we build a dashboard for these outcomes?

5. How do we recruit the most competitive candidates?

6. How do we transfer knowledge in the most effective manner?

7. How do we ensure procedural competency?

8. How do we train residents in the leadership, management & communication skills to thrive in a complex environment?

9. How do we integrate the strategic priorities of the residency into those of the department, the hospital, the IME and the community?

10. How do we balance the push for performance with stewardship, balance and wellness?


I look forward to ideas and comments fom others.



Comments (9)

Rachel Dahms said

at 4:07 am on Apr 13, 2010

I love the wealth of information here- We have had lots of great ideas over the past 5 years. As far as general ideas and goals, I have several thoughts.
I'd like to see the procedural training and competency be more formal. Jessie Nelson and I are re-working the procedure lab to include all the sim for the most possible procedures. This past year was a little bit of catch up to change how we taught invasive procedures, but I'd like to see more demonstrations of procedural competency from the residents.
I'd like to see more incorporation of reflective and deliberate practice from the residents, with a focus on continuous self-improvement in patient care and in nonclinical areas.
I'd like to see the core content areas for faculty incorporated into more quality and outcomes education/experience for the residents.
I'd like to see more collaboration with nursing and administration from the residents--presence at meetings, involvement in projects, etc.

Rachel Dahms said

at 4:07 am on Apr 13, 2010


I believe the admin curriculum should be longitudinal, and should combine self-directed learning opportunities with mentorship and in-person experiences. Advocacy, quality, documentation, billing, legal issues, wellness and career longivity, etc are currently under-taught in my opinion. -
Though I don't believe metrics give the "full picture", I believe that residents should fully understand the things that will be used to profile them in the future--RVUs, patient satisfaction, throughput times, etc.
I believe that there is great opportunity to use EPIC's capabilities to reduce the time our residents spend charting.
I'd like to see the promotions criteria tweaked to incorporate some of the mastery and outcomes, with some of the "scorecard" items we generate. I'd like to see full accountability from the residents--if they do not meet criteria, they do not advance to the next level of responsibility.
I'd like to see more interaction in conferences, with continued focus on moving beyond 1-hour powerpoint lectures. i think we could easily integrate an audence response system, but it would take faculty buy-in to revamp current lectures.
I want to continue peer evals and more of a 360 degree eval method.
I would like to see paperwork reduction from EPIC--looking into ways to track and report procedures and resuscitations more accurately.

Lori Barrett said

at 11:34 am on Apr 14, 2010

Comments from Gretchen Leiterman:

Here are my thoughts on the 2-3 things……
And, if this doesn't make sense from a teaching perspective, please allow me some lattitude and forgiveness….

1. I think we can be (and often are) even more than a great academic institution. I think our ED can be a great academic institution while at the same time offering an excellent patient experience. Teaching our residents how to provide best care in an efficient and patient centered way is challenging, but I think we can do it.

2. I would like our residency to be considered one of the top ten in the nation by 2015 for teaching emergency medicine. Is that too pie in the sky?

What do you think?

Lori Barrett said

at 1:44 pm on Apr 28, 2010

Thanks to all that came to the Strategic Planning meeting. We have attached minutes, SWOT analysis and notes from the meeting.

Lori Barrett said

at 4:44 pm on Jun 25, 2010

Lori Barrett said

at 2:32 pm on Nov 9, 2010

Minutes of the Blueprint 6 meeting 9/10/10 are available: http://regionsemstrategicplanning.pbworks.com/f/Minutes+09.10.2010+Bluepint+6.pdf

Felix Ankel said

at 3:55 pm on Nov 22, 2010

Minutes from 11/18/10 residency retreat now available

Felix Ankel said

at 10:07 am on May 28, 2011

Felix Ankel said

at 11:26 am on Aug 5, 2012

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